When Should I Hire a Ghostwriter?

Many people start off wanting to write a book. Next, you have to find out what type of book to write, then conjure up chapters of content for your book, how long your book will take to be published, and how to publish your book. Finally, you may not be sure when to hire a ghostwriter or at what point in the writing process to have a ghostwriter step in to assist you in the publishing process (if you're writing a book) or the marketing realm (book writing social media or creating blog posts).

So when is the right time to hire a ghostwriter?

When You Should Hire a Ghostwriter

You may have started writing your book, and you're stuck at a point in your book that you can't seem to get past. You may have too many ideas for your new book or blog posts, and you're not sure where to start or how to organize your work or content. Maybe you have an idea and a title for a book you want to write but are unsure how to put your ideas into words. There are a variety of reasons you may want to hire a ghostwriter:

  • You don't like to write

  • You simply don't have the time to write

  • You are interested in landing speaking gigs, but you're not sure how to write a book for credibility in your circle

  • You want to work at your company, and you don't want to spend your time writing a book

  • You are looking for a credibility factor in your genre or circle and would like to expand your biography to include "author"

I often have clients ask me when they should hire a ghostwriter. The fact is, no matter where you are in the process, you can hire a ghostwriter. Ghostwriters offer different services depending on their expertise level and skill set. Find out what skills a ghostwriter offers and start interviewing ghostwriters.

To ensure you're hiring the ghostwriter that best fits your personality and book publishing goals, you'll want to set up a video chat to find out how you 'click' with the ghostwriter on the other side of the camera. Spending time on a video chat is an investment well worth your time, as you will be working extensively with your ghostwriter. Hire someone you get along with well; you don't want to hire a ghostwriter that clashes with your personality, as you and your ghostwriter will work closely together in the upcoming months.

Do you need assistance getting started on your new book or picking up where you left off on writing your book? Have you finished your book, and you're looking for an editor who can complete your book edits quickly? Are you looking for an experienced author, book coach, and ghostwriter to work with you as a team to write and publish your new book?

Find out how Write For You can work with you to create book content that tells your story. Book your complimentary discovery call today to find out how you can work together with Write For You to achieve your goals and sign up for my complimentary online course coming out soon: How to Write Your Book in 100 days or less.


How Do I Hire a Ghostwriter?


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